Articles in English

February: News from Ingenjören in English

February: News from Ingenjören in English

Salary statistics • Engineers of Sweden website now autotranslated into English • Consultants may be entitled to permanent employment with the client • Wellness Allowances vary between differens employers • Engineering company in Malmö is testing shorter working hours • The Engineer Imprisoned by the Stasi
January: News from Ingenjören in English

January: News from Ingenjören in English

Read about what could become the key issue in the negotiations between unions and employers that have just begun. Don’t miss new videos explaining how pensions and insurance work in Sweden. And see where in Sweden engineers have the highest salaries. Welcome to Ingenjören's first news summary in English.
Polhem Prize awarded to Yubico – The Hackers’ Worst Enemy

Polhem Prize awarded to Yubico – The Hackers’ Worst Enemy

Jakob and Stina Ehrensvärd, founders of the cybersecurity company Yubico, have been awarded this year’s Polhem Prize by Engineers of Sweden. Their YubiKey, designed to protect against data breaches, is now used by the largest tech companies in the U.S., large corporations and governments around the world and helps to secure critical infrastructure.
Nikolay Kirjukhin

“A better future awaits Ukraine”

Give jobs to Ukrainian engineers and get to know them! That is what Nikolay Kirjukhin of the Ukrainian engineering federation calls for. He is sure there will be a reconstruction of the country soon. And that engineers will have the biggest role in it.