The English guide to Saco Salary Statistic

Anna Ihrfors Wikström

Anna Ihrfors Wikström, statistician at Engineers of Sweden, demonstrates how to use Saco Salary Statistic.

Members of Engineers of Sweden have access to Saco Salary Statistic (Saco Lönesök), Sweden’s best salary statistics for engineers. The statistics are available only in Swedish. But here’s a quick guide in English on how to use it.

The statistics show salaries for different age groups, graduation years, educations and labor market sectors. They’re based on Engineers of Sweden’s annual salary survey.

This guide is not yet complete, but we hope it provides sufficient help, and we will continue to develop it. Please feel free to leave a comment (below) if you have any requests or questions.

Saco Salary Statistic plans to create an English version of the statistics service, but it will not be available until 2026 at the earliest.

Please note that when the statistics are updated in February each year, many people visit the site. This can cause the site to become overloaded and not function as it should. If this happens, please wait and try again later.

Log in using Bank-id or Freja-id

To access the statistics: Either go to the In English Salary Statistic page and click the Saco Salary Statistic button or go directly to Saco Salary Statistic. Log in with Bank-id or Freja-id.

You will now arrive at this page:

Click on the upper black button for members (under Lönestatistik för medlemmar hos Sveriges Ingenjörer). The lower button is for elected union representatives.

Once you click, you will arrive at the page below where you can choose between simple (Enkel) or advanced (Avancerad) search. The advanced search offers more options. There, you can better compare yourself with engineers who have the same experience and education as you. What we will show here is the advanced search.

When you arrive at the advanced search page, the salaries for all members of Engineers of Sweden who answered the survey are displayed. However, by making different selections, the salaries for that specific selection will be shown.

1. Filter

In the left column, there is Filter (1), where you can make a number of selections. Keep in mind not to make your search too detailed. The more choices you make, the smaller the selection will be.

Filters you can use/start with are Labor market sector (Arbetsmarknadssektor) and Education (Utbildning).

It is also important to indicate whether you are entitled to special overtime pay (Särskilt övertidsersättning) or not, as it affects the salary. You can specify this either under ’Filter’ or under the ’Presentation mode’ (Presentationssätt) tab.

Here are the filters available (and for some: translation of the options you can choose):

  • ArbetsmarknadssektorLabor market sector
    Privat – Private sector (also includes commercialised operations – government/municipality owned companies, foundations, interest groups)
    Stat – Government agencies/authorities/University/college
    Kommun och Region –Local authority/County council
  • Arbetsmarknadssektor, detaljeradDetailed labor market sector
    Privat, industrin – Private, industrial sector
    Privat, tjänstesektorn – Private, service sector
    Privat, övriga – Private, others
    Kommun – Local authority
    Region – County council
    Statliga verk/myndigheter – Government agencies/authorities
    Universitet/högskola – University/college
  • Utbildning – Education
    Civilingenjör – MSc in Engineering/Technology
    Högskoleingenjör – BSc in Engineering/Technology
    Annan högskoleutbildning – Other higher education
    Gymnasieing (gymnasieingenjör) mfl (med flera) – high school engineer and others
  • Utbildningsinriktning – Field of study
    Maskinteknik – Mechanical Engineering
    Byggnadsteknik, samhällsbyg (samhällsbyggnad) – Civil Engineering and Urban management
    Ekonomi o organisation – Industrial Management
    Energi- o elektroteknik – Energy Technology and Electrical Engineering
    Datateknik, elektronik m fl – Computer Science and Electronic Design
    Teknisk fysik – Engineering Physics
    Kemi- o bioteknik – Chemical engineering and Biotechnology
    Naturvetare – BSc or MSc in Natural Science
    Övriga utbildningsinriktningar – Other orientation
    Materialteknik – Materials and Minings Engineering
  • Utbildningsinriktning, detaljerad – Detailed field of study
  • Högre examen – Higher degree
  • Region – Region
  • Arbetsområde – Field of work
  • Befattningsnivå, stora grupper – Level of respinsibility, large groups
    Chef/Företagsledare – Manager/Executive
    Projektledare – Project Manager
    Specialist – Specialist
    Annan befattning – Other position
  • Befattningsnivå, detaljerad – Level of responsibility, detailed – Here, the job levels are divided into five levels for managers, three for project managers, three for specialists, and more.
  • Särskild övertidsersättning – Special overtime pay
    Ja Yes, I receive overtime pay in the form of cash and/or time off in lieu.
    Nej No, not entitled to special overtime pay.
  • Län – County
  • Avtalsområde – Agreement area
  • Konsult – Consultant
    Nej – No
    Ja, konsultföretag med arbetsledning från det egna företaget – Yes, I am employed by a consultancy firm, and work is done as directed by the firm’s management.
    Ja, konsult-/bemanningsföretag, beställarföretaget arbetsleder – Yes, I am employed by a consultancy firm/staffing agency, and work is done as directed by the client company’s management.
    Ja, konsult eget företag – Yes, I am a self-employed consultant.
    Ja, annan typ av konsult – Yes, a different type of consultant.
  • Examensår, 5-årsklasser – Graduation year, 5-year classes
  • Födelseår, 5-årsklasser – Birth year, 5-year classes
  • Tjänst på högskolan – Position at university If you work in higher education, there are ten different positions to choose from here. (Can also be selected under ’Presentation mode’)
  • Bransch (privat sektor) – Industry (private sector)

We are working on translating all filters but are not finished yet. Some filters are self-explanatory, such as birth year, graduation year, and county.

At the bottom of the filter list, you can expand and minimize the field: + Visa fler filter – Show more filters / Visa färre filter – Show fewer filters.

For each option in a filter, ’Number of entries’ (Antal uppgifter) is displayed, i.e., how many entries in the survey the statistics are based on.

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2. Presentationssätt – Presentation mode

In the top right corner, there is Presentation method (number 2 in the picture above Contents). Here, you choose what the table should display. The default presentation method is salaries based on birth year in five-year intervals.

The options are the same as the filters, so refer to their translations there. However, there are four additional options: Birth year (Födelseår), Graduation year (Examensår), Gender (Kön), and Custom report (Egen rapport).

For Custom report (Egen rapport), you can select two filters/presentation methods and get a report for them:

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3. Kolumnrubriker – Column headers

The columns in the table show:

  • Födelseår, 5-å… –  Birth year, 5-year classes (or the option selected under Presentation method)
  • Antal – Number of responses the data in the row is based on.
  • Medel – Average salary
  • 10:e perc – 10th percentile (10% of the values in the group are lower than or equal to the 10th percentile)
  • Undre kvartil – Lower quartile (25% of the values are lower than or equal to the lower quartile)
  • Median – Median salary
  • Övre kvartil – Upper quartile (75% of the values in the studied group are lower than or equal to the upper quartile)
  • 90:e perc – 90th percentile (90% of the values in the studied group are lower than or equal to the 90th percentile)

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4. Total lön/Fast lön – Total salary/Fixed salary

You can choose to display either Total salary (Total lön) or Fixed salary (Fast lön) (the tabs above the table). Total salary includes bonuses and various benefits.

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5. Din lön per månad – Your monthly salary

You can also enter your monthly salary (Din lön per månad) in the box to the right below the table. Your salary will then be compared with others and displayed as a dashed line in the chart.

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6. Diagram

You can also choose different chart types: Bar chart (Stapeldiagram), Box plot (Lådagram), and Line chart (Linjediagram).

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7. Statistikkällor – Statistical sources

Statistical sources (Statistikkällor) show that it is statistics for 2024 (It’s also possible to see statistics for 2022 and 2023), My union (Mitt förbund, Engineers of Sweden), and more. Members in the public sector can also search statistics collected via employers. Under the ’Collection source’ tab (Insamlingskälla), select ’Salaries from employers’ (Löner från arbetsgivare).

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8. Spara – Save

Save (Spara). At the top right, you can save your search as an Excel file.

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9. Error message

Especially when the salary statistics have just been updated, there may be issues due to overload, such as no change occurring when selecting a filter or presentation method. Here is an error message that may appear:

(The message below) Something went wrong! Unfortunately, Saco Lönesök does not seem to be available at the moment. Please try again later. Is it urgent? For questions about salary, salary advice, or statistics, contact your union. Do you have technical feedback or questions? Contact Saco at and please indicate which union you belong to. Thank you for your patience!

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Forskning visar att chefer som inte ger feedback och erkännande – genom lönepåslag och kontinuerlig uppföljning och uppskattning – riskerar att tappa sina medarbetare.

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